Sunday 18 March 2012

nice of you jessicanewton111

wow yeah im having trust issuse with all my mates!
no need for this though O_O
annd there waz a comment to go with it too!
but im gonna type it out coz it waz too long to snap!

lizzy someboddy needs to slap u big time so u will be NICE TO OTHER PEOPLE u think your so grate and despite that your so spoilt liz u used to be my role moddle.........yeah USED TO BE not now ofcorse!!!!

and me being me commented this back...

lol sure what ever, u dont even know anythin about me, soo commin from u thats rich ¬_¬"

and the tru reason i deleted you...
well im deleting everyone that ive had problems with in past or just seem a lil odd...
and considering your one of the people that tryed to split me and danileb up when we where together, i think i have my reasons!

im bored and like this  vid so enjoy :)

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