Thursday 1 March 2012

HEYA lol this post waz ment for yesterday... but i forgot :P
well that girly under me is me "SECOND ACCOUNT" and soon will be my only other account!
(she will apear on hear freaquently, so watch out ;P)

well yesterday waz probaly the most boring day EVER so i desided to take picys of me standing wiv my besties!!! ^.^

there is, shawre, . mika . ,harmony love, cheetara., layla., missm and yoyoyo22
(only some of my besties :P)


well i didnt think it but yesterday.... WAZ FUN XD
below you can see me hanging out wiv maff, layla. and lolz queen, then later on melissa and cheetara. join in :P

its all sorta mixed up and remember im the red head! ;P

and the talking begins!!!

maff trying to feed layla to my pet plant XD

yayyyyy the knife and cleaver is out!

wow i seem to talk about death alot... layla is talking about twilight :P


thats pretty much it, alot more than that happend but i dont record everythin i do! :D

1 comment:

  1. LOL Didn't Know Elisabeth was your other acc but it was a bit clear (But I'm dumb so that's alot to work out :p
