Saturday 24 March 2012

just thought id put sum piccy up...
i aint rlly being into the mood of recording everything i do latly...
i been having "stress related trubbles"
and it aint helpfull with people anoying me... but nvm mind that....
heres some piccys...

yep only 3 piccyz...
thats even less than i thought...
oh well, so like i said i got another warning...

i kinda had a little flip last night, i waz trying to have a party with MATES ONLY since im not feeling to well and guess wat...
STUPID RANDOM PEOPLE CAME, and other stuff waz happning, and it all got to me...
so i had a... wat i call... a "hissy fit"
and obviousaly one of em sad uninvited guests reported me, well i think im done with partys, all i get out of em is stress, unless people ACTUALY LISTEN...
pahh as if!

well i guess ill just tell people on chat im having a party, it wud be nice if people had a lil respect though!
i know i do flip out quite a bit... but thats just me and like i say, if u dont like it then delete me!

then theres peoples like this ↓

all i have to say is.... NO COMMENT o.O

yeah theres a new comp, its ok took me a while to even want to try and get into it... i almost went pink. O_O
but no im perfecly blue insted ;D

awshum right ;P

anywayz the new Starcoin pack is ok, a lil weird but the ducks look sooo awsome :D
im not rlly botherd about getting this one or not.

and the poll..
here is the results...
will update Very soon!

tnx for reading, here is a AWSOME song :P

1 comment:

  1. You look so cool for da comp :p
    And EVERYONE should know that "fan"was not a "fan"
    she was, as I state....A NUTSHELL
    Cute bunny BTW
