Friday 27 April 2012

ok my last post waz just coz mum tured the internet off for a new company...
soo till the 14th of may i will be on and off alot, and once logged of it takes me about 20mins to reatatch my computer to my fone internet -.-

also u will be getting a picture of me soon, like i promised -.-
the joey test... its going ok..
and YES i can get onto his account and i have.... and i do make him look stupid..
but he dont mind XD
((no idea why he lets me, but i aint complaning, its fun ^.^))

ok new comp.... is,,,, ok XD
weird but ok

and my look AS ALWASE is sumhow cool XD

now alot of my close friends want me to top up my wishy since its my birthday...
and im thinking bout it,
already got one wishy gift from frost...
((thank you XD))
but i just dnt wanna feel like a user so please comment telling me what u think ^.^

bye byee, till the next time i post ;)


  1. if ppl ask....theres no harm in saying yes! its not using people if they offer in my opinion! xx c yas
    rocky xx

  2. Hey Liz :)

    Give me a shout when your back on. I was wondering where you went for a while :D

    see ya
    Missy :p
