hey guys as we all know the easter holidays HAS BEGUN!
and i just realy want ur help..
im going to slough ((near london)) for the WHOLE 2 WEEKS... and probaly wont get on.. AT ALL!
soo much for getting to lvl 19 befor i left... but i just realy hope you guys help me get as much fame a possible coz i wud be THE MOST GR8FULL PEEP EVER!
sooooo please vote for me in the mermaid comp!
movie- pg14
thank you soo much if you do!
my easter look, artbook and movie has been created..,
i'd looooooooooove it if u loved the artbook and look and watched the movie!
and even watching sum of my other movies! :P
also im only asking...
you dont have to ((obviousaly :P))
((i feel like im asking WAAAAAAAY to much, but i dont ask for much very offen now.. do i ;P))
thank you soooooooooo much for reading...
BYEEE hope u enjoy ur holidays xxx